
Thursday, September 8, 2016

The (Nearly) Yearly Fate

Within the past few years, it has come to our attention that some things are just facts of life.

If you do not go to the dentist, your teeth fall out.

If you come to teach a class in a belly shirt, people will make fun of you on Facebook. (Pro tip: don't wear belly shirts if you have stretch marks on your stomach).

If you eat 60 chicken nuggets in a single sitting, you might end up in the ER. (I actually have witnessed such a feat three times: With chicken nuggets, with tater tots, with breaded shrimp. None of them have resulted in hospital visits). These are just the facts of life.

Dame à la mode.

As some of you are aware, this weekend will pit persons of various extremes on the ovine-caprine scale in an athletics competition. Engineer J maintains a pretty even keel throughout these (nearly) yearly proceedings, but Engineer R is (unfortunately?) quite involved in them.

  • He wonders why the caprine student section purposefully chose to name themselves after a near-euphemism for cow-pies. 
  • He wishes we could hang onto the ball better. We just cannot keep stepping in the cow muss. 
  • He wonders why it has become a fact of life that the goats always end up eating our laundry. 
  • He wonders if it even matters.
  • Thank goodness for regional conference. No hats on the pulpit this week. 
Admittedly, neither of us have lost much sleep over the upcoming weekend. Most of our lost sleep has come at the hands of the 5 a.m. visits from the garbage truck. (Why did we have the unfortune of being assigned the apartment that is right above the communal dumpster?) 

Since most of our waking hours seem to be spent chasing papers around the diaspora of buildings and bureaucracy, this post will have to end here. Next week we promise some photos of what we have been doing, so consider tuning in. 

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